
Invented by Gilles Roux, Roux is another method other than CFOP that can get you solve
times of under 10seconds. Roux is a lesser popular than CFOP but may be more simple
than CFOP. This method is also used alot for one handed solving as it uses lesser moves
than CFOP.

The first step in roux is to build a 1x2x3 block one opposite sides of the cube, as shown below.

Left block solved
Left block solved
Right block solved
Right block solved

After the two blocks, orientate all the top corners such that the top color is
facing up for the corners.

Both block solved
Both block solved
Top corners orentiated
Top corners orentiated

Next, permutate the corners such that the corners are solve in their respective positions

Top corners orentiated
Top corners orentiated
Top corners permutated
Top corners permutated

Final step is solve the edges using M moves(moving the middle pieces) and U moves(Upper pieces)

Top corners permutated
Top corners permutated
Completed 3x3
Completed 3x3

Now you have a completed 3x3!

Below is an in-depth tutorial on the 3x3 Roux Method

To see world records, click here!
For 3x3 online tutorial, click here!