CFOP is the most used speedcubing method for the 3x3 due to its simplicity and effectiveness. CFOP stands for the four stages of solving the cube, Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL. CFOP can get you solve times of under 10 seconds with practice.

The first step would be to create the first cross.

Cross solved
Green cross solved
Cross solved
Green cross solved

After the first cross, in this case, green, the next step would be to solve the first two layers
of the cube, instead of one in the Beginner's Method (LBL).
This part affects the most when it comes to timing, therefore emphaisis
should be on F2L when seeeking faster times,

Cross Solved
Green cross solved
Second layer Solved
Both first and second layer solved

When the second layer is solved, the next step would be to solve the top layer. This stage is known as Orientation of Last Layer(OLL)

Second layer Solved
Both first and second layer solved
Top Layer Solved
Top layer solved

Final step is to permutate the corners and edges, which would solve the cube.
This stage is known as Permutation of Last Layer(PLL)

Top Layer Solved
Top layer solved
Completed 3x3
Completed 3x3

Now you have a completed 3x3!

Below is an in-depth tutorial on the 3x3 CFOP Method

To see world records, click here!
For 3x3 online tutorial, click here!

Learn F2L here:

For OLL and PLL there are two main types, 1-Look OLL/PLL and 2-Look OLL/PLL.
It is recommended for beginners to learn 2-look OLL PLL before learning 1-look.
and PLL Below are videos for each

2-Look OLL(Intermediate)

2-Look PLL(Intermediate)

1-Look OLL(Advanced)

1-Look OLL(Advanced)