Layer By Layer

The Layer By Layer method involves solving the 2x2 cube layer by layer. The first layer is simple to do so as a 2x2 does not have a center piece like a 3x3. Below is a brief summary of the steps with a video linked at the end,

First layer solved
First Layer solved
One side solved
One side solved

The first layer involves solving the 4 corners, which will result in one side of the cube being solved,
in this case green. The next step would be to permutate the corners.

One Corner Permutated
First corner permutated
 All corners Permutated
All corners permutated

Moving the top layer will result in one or two corners permutated into their respective corners.
Next, only one algorithm is needed to permutate the remaining corners.

All corners permutated
All corners permutated
Completed 2x2
Completed 2x2

Now you have a completed 2x2!

Below is an in-depth tutorial on the 2x2 LBL Method

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For 2x2 online tutorial, click here!